¿Why IMEX?

IBC™ is one of the most prestigious delivery companies at international level. A global courier and cargo transportation network with more than 50 offices throughout the world.

IMEX™ improved mail and delivery service to create a global network of specialized services locally. Thus, thousand employees in each country work under a highly developed delivery system that group individual experiences and which is also subject to a synchronized mechanism that only allows successful results obtaining lower costs, quicker deliveries, more flexible operations and customized solutions.

The system developed by IMEX™ has been thought to meet the needs of small-sized companies as well as that of huge companies such as international holdings applying standard procedures or procedures especially designed to meet individual requirements independently from requirement complexity or size.

This efficient system has been operating with the highest standards in the international market for more than 20 years, reaching the farthest places of a country including those places where others do not reach, able to understand local needs and maximizing resources and improving times on the basis of a deep knowledge on policies, regulations and local uses.

Our Service Guarantee is tested each time we are selected, even by our colleague companies, to perform deliveries to any place in the world